Saturday Update at 8:10 pm CT
Today has been more of a laid back day as weekends are kind of slow here at the Rehab Hospital. Heather, was still able to have Speech Therapy and she did very well. Not only are they trying to strengthen her body and limbs, but they are also trying to strengthen and exercise the mind as well. They asked her some tricky questions that make her think extra hard to find the answer. I even have a hard time because they are so tricky.
A great big THANK YOU to Heather’s Uncle Kenny and all of his coworkers for sending a beautiful Greenery arrangement! It brightened up Heather’s smile today and it brightens up the room as well! Thank you so much!
They switched her Heparin shots to one shot a day of Lovanox, which is another blood thinner, and these can be given in her arms and thighs. Hopefully this will help with the pain and bruising in her abdomen. The results of her X-ray of her abdomen came back clear. They plan to order more blood work, and possibly check to see if her gallbladder is working properly.
Our family was able to go down to the cafeteria tonight and sing together as a family at the piano! Singing is a regular routine at the Cape home and something we all love to do! Music is constantly being played, whistled, hummed or sung 24/7 at our house! Music is a great uplifter, and keeps us in good spirits! Since we have been at the hospital for 5 weeks on Monday, we have still been able to get our fill of Godly Christian music! One of our favorite sources of music is, I urge you to check out this great Christ honoring and uplifting online radio station! We have been able to listen here and still receive our daily blessing as we would at home.
We know that we ask this request from each of you regularly, but please continue to hold Heather up in prayer, as well as the rest of our family. Heather has to have continued care 24/7, so one of us has to always be with her. Mom will again be staying with Heather over the next couple of nights, so please keep her in your prayers. We all feel extremely exhausted but God’s Grace is ALWAYS Sufficient. My dad has and is a great support to all of us, too. Driving back and forth from Chattanooga to Nashville several times a week is very exhausting, but he has sought to make sure we are cared for and that we have as much rest as possible! He is a wonderful man of God, a great father and husband! Thank you all for praying!
"Thou therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus."
2 Timothy 2:1
Thank you for praying, please continue to do so!