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This will be the last update for this evening unless things change significantly! Heather has not been able to wake up enough in order to be taken off of the ventilator, so she will remain on it throughout the night. There are a few things that have taken place, and the ICU staff are right on top of things. Thank you ICU staff, ya'll are amazing!!!

Please help us pray about some of the issues...

1- We are having trouble keeping her blood pressure down.

2- She is not having enough fluid out-go compared to what she has received.

3- She still has a low grade fever.

4- A Echocardiogram was ordered trying to determine if she needed fluid or had too much fluid.

5- Her heart rate is staying elevated.

6- An EEG and CT Scan have been ordered because there are concerns as to why she is still so sedated.

7- Blood levels for seizure drugs have been drawn to see if levels are climbing (she will remain on them for a long while and will come off of them slowly based on how she is doing).

8- She has been given a pint of blood and will possibly be getting another tonight, also they have given her albumin checking to see if she needs more blood

9- She is not waking as they would like.

The Dr. tried preparing us that the next couple of days may be difficult for her because she underwent a very extensive surgery. All of these symptoms she is having is not uncommon for someone who has had an extensive brain surgery or brain trauma. However, we believe in our hearts that she is going to do fine.

****On the top side, she has been able to raise her thumb, move her left leg and arm as well as open her eyes some! We have seen her move her right leg just a little! Great news!!!!

There have been complete strangers who have come to visit her. We have been stopped by someone in the hall way of the hospital telling us there are a lot of folks praying for us. Doctors and assistants are coming into her ICU room telling us that they have been on her blog!, etc! It is simply amazing standing still and watching the Lord move. We rest assured that our sweet Heather is in His complete care, and His sweet peace is embracing all of our family at this time!

For the Medical Staff at Vanderbilt, thank you for all you are doing for Heather. Your care, concern and compassion has been a blessing to our hearts. Your passion for helping others is amazing!!!!! God Bless each of you!!!!
