Sunday Update at 8:20 pm CT
It has been a very slow day, but a good day. We've still been able to have a good day in the Lord, although we miss our Church greatly. Heather and I were able to watch some preaching videos as well as a church service online, but it just isn't the same as being able to be in the Lord's house on Sunday around His people. We love Church, and we have sure missed being able to attend our Church in Hixson, TN. Since Heather's dad, Pastor Cape, is our preacher, our entire lives center around being in Church and helping others. We can't wait until we are all able to be back in the Lord's house together again!! Not to mention the fact that we miss hearing the World's greatest preacher!!!! Heather has really missed welcoming everyone and passing out bulletins as well. We are thankful that the Lord has helped us through the tougher days of her surgery, as well as her rehab, and we will be able to be back serving Him again soon. Hopefully for Heather, she may be able to sing in the choir again, as she had to stop singing in the choir due to her health many years ago. Our Church family has been so supportive and encouraging, and we thank the Lord for each of you!!!!! Heather had a speech therapy session today, but nothing else. Her hypersensitivity seems to be a little more bothersome again probably due to the fact that they haven't worked her over the past two days. We are expecting a great night of rest and an even better day of therapy tomorrow. On Tuesday, the therapists and doctor will conference together again. Please be much in prayer about their decision regarding her therapy and whether or not insurance will go ahead and approve a transfer to Siskin Rehab Hospital in Chattanooga, TN. It would be more convenient, as well as cost effective, to be able to continue her therapy in our home town. We don't know how much longer her therapy will take, but we want her to be able to function as close to her baseline before her surgery as possible. Right now, we wouldn't be able to take her home to care for her because we wouldn't even be able to get her into our van. We will continue to take each day one step at a time.
This evening Heather and I went out to the recreation area to play the game, Memory, and to do a puzzle. Heather beat me at matching cards with the memory game. Once she beat me, I had her name 30 objects from the cards and though it was challenging, she did really well. She also did a puzzle on her own and completed it in 20 minutes. While we were in the recreation area, a young woman named, Sandra came out to talk with us. Sandra is 24 and has Lupus and recently had to have heart surgery and then she had a seizure and had to have surgery on her brain. They think she had a stroke as well. She can walk, but she is having a lot of trouble with her memory. She has family from Korea, but she lives in Alabama. She is a Christian and is trying to make sense of what is happening in her life. She said that she has had a tough day. Please pray for her, she has a lot of problems in her life.
Heather putting together the puzzle.
Galilee, Liberty & Harmony are three little sisters that go to our Church.
They wanted to say, "hey Mrs. Cape & Miss Hedar, we miss you"!