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Friday Update 12:30 pm

Heather's Recipe For Praying For Missionaries And Her Update

Within Heather's Bible Cover are not only several weeks of bulletins, but also several Prayer cards of Missionaries. If you are a missionary that has ever met Heather, you may remember Heather approaching you and asking you for your Prayer card. She has collected many cards over the years, just like I used to do with baseball cards, when I was just a young boy. She not only has them in her Bible but also in her top drawer of her dresser. Heather has always studied every prayer card she has received, and has been genuinely interested in the picture on the front, the field they have been called to, the names of all the family members, their anniversary date and the birth dates of everyone listed. When I was a boy, during the 70's, I could name every player of the Cincinnati Reds baseball team and most of their stats, such as Johnny Bench, Pete Rose, Morgan, Concepcion, Foster, Griffey, Perez, Geronimo, etc. However, Heather can name different missionaries plus the area they were called to serve in. For many years now after Heather has read her Bible, she takes a few missionary cards out of her Bible cover. She not only looks at their picture and thinks about them, but then she prays for them and any need she may remember the missionary has. Two different prayer cards have been printed this month about Heather, her surgery date and the name of this website. Likewise, many people have taken out her card or looked at the website, saw her picture, thought about her, and then prayed for her! Thank you for doing so! She still needs your continued prayers.

Our family would like to ask you to take time today and pray for any missionaries you may know. Since Heather has not had that opportunity to do so since early Monday morning just before her surgery. Maybe you have some Missionary Prayer cards that you can find, would you take the time to think about them, thank God for them and Pray for them. Many missionaries and Pastor's have contacted us telling us that they are praying for Heather. Thank you for serving our Wonderful Saviour! We need your help now more than ever before. - Bro. Cape


It is a good day to give thanks unto the Lord!!!! There are no significant changes for Heather this morning except that her fever is climbing a little bit. She was turned up a little bit on the ventilator last night, but they are going to try to put it back down to the lowest setting. You can see some of her personality shining through in those few moments she is awake. Yesterday, with eyes closed, she lifted her hand to wave at a gentlemen who said bye to her from the door way, and a preacher's wife asked her to sing at their church at a meeting in April, and she lifted her eyebrows.

The MRI that had been ordered on yesterday, couldn't be done because she is still intubated. They have just finished with a CT scan and it will show if there is anything significant that possibly could be adding to her sedation. Since the fever is still hanging around, more blood work has been ordered to see if there is infection somewhere. Another chest X-ray was done, but that is pretty much standard for ICU.

Things could turn around quickly, or she could still be on the ventilator a few more days. We appreciate your interest and the continued prayers for Heather as well as our family and the nurses and doctors. Thank you for being patient with the updates. We are posting after we see the doctors in the mornings and then again after they have rounded in the evenings. If there is any urgency of prayer needed, we will post immediately.

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